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  • davidaroin

watch series online free

How Many Watch Series Do You Think There Are?

I recently began an online company selling watch series, and while researching my market, I was overwhelmed in the vast selection of styles and brands available.

You can select any kind of watchseries to discover the various styled watches, color of watch faces, color of watch bands, Stainless Steel watches, gold plated watches even wood watches are available. When you get into the expensive range of watches you find a completely new range of watches with diamonds, solid gold watches, titanium, and lots of other precious metal watches and stone watches that are filled.

The watch moves vary as well from manual to fully electronic with a few newer fashion watches having heart monitors, temperature, rate, and a great deal of analytic information available. Then you will find dive chains going down to 4000 Mtr, now that is a long way down but deep sea sailors need reliable watches that can handle the pressure at these depths so it's great to see a range of watch series which appeal for the person as well as all the other divers who enjoy the sea or cave diving.

Glamorous watchseries make up a large area of the industry because everybody wants to seem different from the woman next door. New watches come out there daily to keep watching or hunting for your favorite kind of watch, there is something out there to keep you happy once you look at each of the watches available at the moment. I watched a watch another day which has straps going in different directions to inform the time that I was really intrigued as to how it works, it would be a real talking point at a party or with your buddies.

Initially people could only tell time from sun dials that they placed over doors of the homes or businesses, showing midday along with the four stages of sunlight as it travels throughout the day, the other forms of clocks for notification time were water clocks, not easy to transfer when you had been on the transfer. In the 1500's with the invention of the springs, portable clocks and watches were produced. 1 locksmith from Germany Peter Henlein created the"Nuremberg Eggs" that could be placed on the table rather than being suspended from the wall, they just had an hour as the second hand was not introduced until much later and they lost time as the spring unwound however they were widely popular with the wealthy individuals since they were a genuinely portable timepiece.

With the invention of this humble spring that the entire world of clocks and watch series took a giant leap to the forward. Men did not wear wrist watches back in the 1800's they were thought to be too feminine and just ladies wore them. Men needed an opinion on a chain which they kept in the pocket of their vest which was known as a fob pocket. Remember in the previous movies, there will be someone standing in the train station taking out his watch on a gold chain from his fob pocket checking the moment, today the fob pockets continue to be on the vest of men's 3 piece suits. It was only when someone tied one of these watches into his wrist with a piece of string so he had retained track of time and keep working that he requested a watchmaker to make a watch he could wear on his wrist, two or three lugs were attached to the sides of the watchseries and a strap was put on so he could put on it.

After the Great War more men were wearing watches since they had done during the war and it became known as a tribute to those who'd served their countries on the battle fields so from this time on women weren't the only ones sporting watches. By 1920 it was fashionable for men to wear a wristwatch and new designs were being made by an entire assortment of watchmakers, glass faces were substituted with plastics, different alloys were used for the casing, minute hands were inserted and the rest is history.

When I was child, watches weren't actually worn by kids unless you were from the upper class as most families couldn't afford to get their children a watch, even when out playing one day I remember asking my friend what the time was neither of us had a watch so that he pulled his sleeve up looked in his arm and said"A hair passed a freckle" and then we burst out laughing, it reveals how far we have come over a brief time period. How many children have a watch now?

The first watchseries I ever got was back in 1960. Two sailors we understood had just returned from Singapore and introduced these watches back for us as gifts I do recall they didn't last all that long since I didn't understand how to treat or look after it correctly, I likely over-wound it, breaking up the most important spring.

A few years after I was given another opinion from a close friend of the family he was an American Pilot and it was a golden Lovably which I still have to this day although I don't wear it. Each time that I see or think about it, I see the person who gave me it , sadly he passed away a brief time back so he and his watch are constantly in my mind.

Its funny when you own your wrist watch on, it becomes part of you, and you do not give it another thought all day, you check it quite regularly for the time doing this activity without considering it. Then one day you depart from your watch off your wrist and all day long you fret about where you abandon it and it nags you until it is back in your wrist. A few minutes later I looked to inspect the time for my trip and no opinion. I had such a powerful feeling of loss if my watch was missing for this short time, it confirmed how much the watch intended to me.

A few months later I wasn't so lucky. I had been on a ferry traveling from Italy to Greece, the same thing occurred, washed my hands, left the lookout about the container then went on deck, so I soon understood that I had abandoned the watch at the toilet but now when I got back it was gone. I reported it lost and had it broadcast over the boats speakers but the individual who took it did not return it and I felt naked without it on my wrist, '' There was a strong feeling of loss, I figure most of us have feelings like this when something is removed from us, something we treasure. So look after your Wrist Watches.

The more I look into Watch Series I discover that they certainly have come a long way from the sundials produced in 500AD into the century we live in now, visiting the Moon and outside, humans love inventing new ideas and there is a good deal more discoveries to be made about how we calculate TIME along with the humble watch will probably be traveling as fast as the next discovery. Keep inventing.

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